Saturday 21 April 2012

I sought but did not find Him... When the Madre complains!

On my bed, at night, I sought him
whom my heart loves.
I sought but did not find him.

So I will rise and go through the City;
in the streets and the squares
I will seek him whom my heart loves.
... I sought him but did not find him.

Well, then, God! Is it not enough for you to let me stay in this miserable life that I bear for the love of you, accepting to live here where everything prevents me from enjoying you, where I have to drink and sleep, and negotiate and deal with the world, as well as bear everything for the love of you? You well know, my Lord, what a tremendous torment this is for me. Must you also hide yourself in the rare moments that are left for me to enjoy you? How can your mercy tolerate this? How can your love for me accept this? I believe, Lord, that if it were possible for me to hide myself from you as you hide yourself from me, I believe, I think, that your love for me would not tolerate it. You are with me and you always see me. This is unbearable, my Lord; I beg you to consider that you are hurting one who loves you so much.

Teresa of Avila

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